4. Installation

For CALYPSO installation, basic UNIX knowledge is required. The users should be acquainted with the tar, gzip, awk, sed, and make commands of the UNIX environment.

Currently, CALYPSO runs on Linux. Please download the different version of CALYPSO according to your machine.

For 32-bit version of Linux, please download the version of CALYPSO_x86.tar.gz

For 64-bit version of Linux, please download the version of CALYPSO_x64.tar.gz

Installing the program is simple. Please use the following commands.

tar -zvxf Calypso_*.tar.gz

The execution file (calypso.x) can be found in the bin fold.

4.1. Test Installation

A fast way to test your installation of CALYPSO code can be found in the directory of “Tests”. Please simply run the commands:

cd CALYPSO_*/Tests
cp CALYPSO_*/bin/calypso.x .
./calypso.x > caly.log &

Other examples are provided in the “path-to-package/Examples” directory. This directory contains basic input.dat and shell scripts for running CALYPSO. It is advisable to create independent directory for each job, making a clean and neat environment.